
The Right to Bear Arms for the Freedom of the Press

24 Season 8 Episode 22
1 p.m to 2 p.m.

Somehow, in a world of predator drones, ever-lasting Sprint cell phones and Iron Man masks, it seems that the pen of a reporter is still mightier than the sword...but only if you're a hot journalist because they are the only ones who are allowed to sleep with their high-ranking political sources.

In this fantasyland, apparently a story in the newspaper can start a war and newsrooms still have art on the wall and working phones. This is an important aspect since the FBI has written off landlines by now, stupidly assuming everyone only uses cell phones (finally, not adopting technology has an advantage!).

But what of this evidence, this SIM card ripped from the guts of a bleeding Russian? Is it really that big of a deal? You betcha!

It's enough for Logan to put on a fancy new fake-blood-red tie (foreshadowing...these 24 writers are really putting their English degrees to use) and for the president to care about forgotten laws such as the 1st Amendment.

"Freedom of the Press? That's still in the Constitution? Did no one get my memo?"

It's amazing that a president who was so loved could fall so far from grace, all because she drank the peace process koolaid and envisioned her face on a new 15 cent coin, which is the exact worth of the Constitution after shifty politicians have their way with it behind locked doors.

Thankfully, the founding fathers knew in advance that the 1st Amendment would lack balls and crafted the 2nd Amendment, the right to kick ass with grenades, rifles and use a scary-as-fuck black mask to threaten the lives of shamed ex-presidents.

Bauer is exercising his right to bear arms with a side of indifference towards collateral damage. He's well-armed thanks to Mr. Blonde's Radio Terror Shack and is prepared to shoot-up taxis and, if he has to, countdown from 5 to get the answers he needs.

Lucky for him, his target is ex-President Logan, whose power comes from his willingness to give up any and all associates when his life his threatened. Within minutes, Bad Jack brings his bag of tricks (apparently, it also included a fireplace poker to stab someone through the stomach) so that he could leave his trail of dead for all to see.

"I don't plan on coming back." (he's talking to you, television audience).

Perhaps this Bad Jack is needed, especially since Meredith never learned how to evade the FBI in J-school (looks will only take you so far) and the president falls deeper into her pit of peace process despair as she will do anything to sign the document in the next couple of hours.

Maybe she should have spent more time on healthcare, as opposed to peace.

Instead, Jack is roaming the streets of NYC like a wounded rabid animal who only sees red...Russians that is. And the next one on the list is none other than the Russian president who apparently ordered everyone to do everything bad in the entire season.

President Red Dawn, the Bauer Trolls for Thy...


  1. Friends,

    There's one more till this entire thing is wrapped up. Prior to the end, I wanted to give a shotout to those who read, a high five to those who commented throughout the years and a sexual drunk dial to those who gave me money/presents/backrubs throughout the years.

    This blog started as a way to track my Bauer emails, and has since grown immensely.

    So with one more left, I wanted to get the weepy goodbyes out of the way and offer a wink and head nod to those who stuck around. At times, the 24 writers didn't make it easy.

    I'm batting around the idea of another blog, though not based on a TV show...but still based on whiskey.

    See ya'll in a week...

  2. 24 would not have been the same without you!

    I loved it when Logag screamed like a little girl that Jack Bauer was coming to get him.

  3. good stuff. Appreciate the weekly writeup.

    BTW, I think it's "guts", not "guys". Third paragraph.


  4. Bang,
    I echo Ethan's comment. 24 every week would not be the same without your write-ups. 24 has had its highs and lows, but your blog always consistently nailed the episode in high fashion (which made those drag weeks worth watching, if only to read the review the next day). It's definitely been a ride and I wish you luck in whatever pursuits you consider next for your blogging life.

    For this episode, I like this Dark Jack. I thought of him more as "The Dark Knight" or some serial killer when he terrorized the tunnel. He's out for justice and revenge, and now knowing that Renee's death was at the hands of the Russian President, I know he won't stop until his life is over.

    I am interested in seeing how the show ends. Does Jack die? Or do they keep him alive for a 24 future movie?

    We'll see next week...

  5. Bang, I really enjoyed all your blogs. I wish you have one for LOST. You'd have way too much fun with that one. Everytime I watch a show on T.V. I wonder what you would have to say about it.

    Back to "24"....why didnt that stupid ass "Western whore of a reporter" just go to an internet cafe and upload the video to YouTube???

  6. Planting a listening device on Logan after you run out of time interrogating him? What is this...day 5 all over again? "HE'S COMING FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!"

    I am really going to miss thebauer blog. I have been a religous follower beginning with season 5 and haven't missed a week since. While the 24 writers have ran out of original ideas, Bang, you never did! Peace out...

  7. Agreed. This bog is bar-none the best on the net. I hope that maybe you would do the previous seasons so that this blog doesn't end anytime soon, and we get hilarious recaps of all 24 episodes!

  8. I found The Bauer through an Internet board that I frequented I don't know how many years ago and have enjoyed it ever since. Thanks for writing these because they have definitely added to my enjoyment of this show.

  9. I also agree about the reporter

    she had to know they were coming for her, so how does she not either get the info out there (internet) or hide it in a safe place? Keeping it on her so it'll be taken when she's eventually found?

  10. To get in on the blog group-hug...

    I've been reading this for years and look fwd to Tuesday morning almost as much as Monday night. Gonna miss Jack more than I missed Edgar (if that is possible). Thanks for all the good reads Bang.

    Knew something was up when Jack didn't finish off Logan. My girlfriend completely left the room when I was yelling "SHOOT HIM" at the tv. I think a restrainnig order is in our future.

  11. Hi five right back at ya, Bang!

  12. 24 leakage:
    Kiefer is talking about a new season. They had such success with the finisher, that the talk is they do a movie and maybe start up again after it ends.


  13. I always look forward to your blogs after each episode. Great work. Hope you blog about the movie.

  14. All I can say is I wish I had more time to read all of your great work. I always enjoyed sneaking your hilarious comments in while discussing 24 with my friends. Keep on writing!
